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Notifying Facebook & Twitter From WordPress

Posted on January 21, 2011 at 4:40 pm

Are you still copying and pasting blog entry links into Twitter and Facebook after you write a post? That’s for senior citizens. Below is a way to hook it up so when you write a post in your blog it will show up on both Twitter and Facebook.

The first thing to do is to add the Twitter app to your Facebook account using the Twitter Facebook app. Input your Twitter information or just accept if you are already signed in to Twitter. Now anything you write in Twitter will show up in Facebook.

The next step is to connect your blog to Twitter. Download Twitter Tools from Crowd Favorite. Activate the plugin on your blog and go to the settings page. The plugin will ask for some very specific information from Twitter. Twitter just changed their API to OAuth and you have to jump through a lot of hoops, which is kind of annoying. Go to this page to setup a new Twitter app.

The Twitter app form will ask for some information. Fill out the form and it will give you a Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token and Access Token Secret. Insert this information into the plugin. Once the Twitter app information is saved, you are done. This will make it so your blog will send to Twitter and Twitter will send to Facebook.

1 Comment

Robert Abramski

It figures that it didn’t work when I post this entry. I guess that is ironic. I forgot to check a box in the Facebook app that allows it to post to my Facebook wall. If I didn’t remove authorization on the app to fact check my post it would of worked perfectly the first time.

Posted January 21, 2011 at 4:48 pm

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